Homework for Monday, Oct. 4th

Because we will not have class on Thursday, Sept. 30th, we will be pushing back the readings outlined in the course schedule one class. For Monday, please read Merriman pp. 103-125, and the Martin Luther debate handed out today. Also come to class prepared to discuss your progress on the first paper with a partner. The rough draft will be due on Wednesday, so this is your opportunity to get some feedback. Please bring whatever you've got on paper at that point to class with you.

MEH Update - 9/25/10

A couple of items for your consideration prior to Tuesday's class. I have selected a reader for us to use during the remainder of the course. The title is Taking Sides: Clashing Views in World History, vol. 2. (3rd edition) I would suggest you look for a copy of this on Amazon or Half.com, where they can be found much cheaper than from the publisher ($18.50 direct from Amazon, or under $10 from some private sellers). We won't use this for a week or two, but please order it soon so you have it. In the meantime I'll supplement our textbook with some primary source readings and a couple items from the first volume of Taking Sides. For Tuesday's class I would like you to read a short piece by Erasmus, which I will copy and have available for you on Monday. Please stop by my room (Hum 6) and pick up a copy. We'll center a class discussion around this piece on Tuesday. As always you have a reading assignment from Merriman. Please refer to the syllabus for page numbers. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.